World Hearing Day is an annual global advocacy event for raising awareness and calling for action to address hearing loss and related issues. Each year, this event is celebrated on 3 March, covering a specific theme. This year’s theme is around changing mindsets and aims to inspire behaviour change to protect hearing from loud sounds and prevent hearing loss.

Did you know that hearing loss is by far the top occupational disease for successful claims for industrial injuries benefit!

The World Health Organisation has estimated that 1 in 4 young people face the risk of permanent hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to loud sounds during recreational pastimes such as listening to music and video gameplay.

However, all noise and sound related hearing loss is avoidable through the adoption of safe listening and good hearing care practices. Understanding your hearing can be the first step to recognising how valuable it is – why don’t you check your hearing or share this hearing test app with others in your workplace to compare your hearing health!
